Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When You Don't Know WHAT you don't know about $$$

Have you Thought that maybe there was something the Rich know about money that you don't know? If you answer Yes, then this is blog is for you. 

My sentiments exactly. I found myself spending much of my adult life driving around well to do neighborhoods asking myself and friends, How do people afford these homes? What do they do for a living? What kind of "jobs" do they have? Did they inherit this? Are they in debt up to their eyeballs? 

In the last year, I was introduced to some answers to those questions. I would love to hear what your thoughts are here. At the end of my questions, I found a way to release some heavy burdens and find some freedom and discovered that everyday, ordinary people like myself can actually have a shot at having a home like the ones I have coveted for years.